Unlocking the Mystery: Why Pointer’s Address are Changed When Using Slice Expansion (…)
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Unlocking the Mystery: Why Pointer’s Address are Changed When Using Slice Expansion (…)

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Ever stumbled upon the mind-boggling phenomenon where pointer’s addresses change when using slice expansion in programming languages like Go or Rust? You’re not alone! In this in-depth article, we’ll delve into the world of slicing and pointer arithmetic to unravel the mysteries behind this behavior. Buckle up, folks, and get ready to level up your programming skills!

The Basics of Slicing and Pointers

Before we dive into the meat of the matter, let’s quickly review the fundamentals of slicing and pointers.

Slicing: A Quick Refresher

In programming languages, slicing refers to the process of extracting a subset of elements from an array or a slice. In Go, for example, you can create a slice from an array using the following syntax:

arr := [5]int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
slice := arr[1:3]

The resulting slice, `slice`, would contain elements `2` and `3` from the original array `arr`. The slice expansion syntax, `…`, allows you to pass the elements of the slice as separate arguments to a function.

Pointers: A Brief Overview

In computing, a pointer is a variable that stores the memory address of another variable. In other words, a pointer “points to” the location in memory where the variable is stored. Here’s an example in Go:

x := 10
ptr := &x // ptr is a pointer to x

The unary `&` operator returns the memory address of the variable `x`, which is then stored in the `ptr` variable.

The Enigmatic Case of Slice Expansion

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s explore the curious case of slice expansion and its impact on pointer addresses.

Consider the following example in Go:

arr := [5]int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
slice := arr[1:3]
func printElements(elems ...int) {
    for _, elem := range elems {

What would you expect the output to be? You’d assume it would print the elements `2` and `3` from the slice, right? Well, that’s correct, but there’s more to it.

Let’s inspect the memory addresses of the slice elements using the following code:

arr := [5]int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
slice := arr[1:3]
ptrSlice := &slice
fmt.Printf("Slice address: %p\n", ptrSlice)
fmt.Printf("Slice elem 0 address: %p\n", &slice[0])
fmt.Printf("Slice elem 1 address: %p\n", &slice[1])

The output might surprise you:

Slice address: 0x1040a124
Slice elem 0 address: 0x1040a120
Slice elem 1 address: 0x1040a124

Notice how the addresses of the slice elements are different from the address of the slice itself? This is where things get interesting.

The Reason Behind the Address Change

When you use slice expansion with the `…` operator, the language creates a new slice header on the stack, which points to the original slice’s elements. This new slice header is what gets passed to the function, not the original slice.

Here’s what’s happening under the hood:

Step Description
1 The original slice is created with its own header, containing the length and capacity of the slice.
2 When you use slice expansion with `…`, a new slice header is created on the stack.
3 The new slice header points to the original slice’s elements, but has its own length and capacity.
4 The new slice header is passed to the function, not the original slice.

This new slice header has its own set of memory addresses, which is why the addresses of the slice elements appear to change when using slice expansion.

Implications and Workarounds

Now that we understand the reason behind the address change, let’s explore some implications and workarounds:

  • Passing pointers to slice elements

    If you need to pass pointers to slice elements, avoid using slice expansion. Instead, iterate over the slice and pass the addresses of individual elements:

    for _, elem := range slice {
  • Using pointers to slices

    If you need to pass a pointer to a slice, make sure to pass the address of the original slice, not the expanded slice:

    ptrSlice := &slice
  • Be mindful of slice headers

    Remember that slice expansion creates a new slice header, which can lead to unexpected behavior if not handled correctly.


In this article, we’ve unraveled the mystery behind why pointer’s addresses change when using slice expansion in programming languages like Go or Rust. By understanding the underlying mechanics of slicing and pointer arithmetic, we can better navigate these complex concepts and write more efficient, effective code.

Remember, when working with slices and pointers, it’s essential to keep in mind the implications of slice expansion and take necessary precautions to avoid unexpected behavior.

Happy coding, and don’t let the pointers point you towards confusion!

Keywords: pointer, slice, slice expansion, Go, Rust, programming languages, memory addresses, slicing, pointer arithmetic.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to uncover the mysteries of slice expansion and pointer addresses!

Why do pointer addresses change when using slice expansion (…) in Go?

When you use slice expansion, a new slice is created, and the original slice’s underlying array is re-sliced to create a new slice. This new slice has a new address, which is why the pointer address appears to change. Think of it like creating a new window into the same house – the house remains the same, but the window (slice) has changed!

Is the original slice modified when using slice expansion?

No, the original slice is not modified. Slice expansion creates a new slice that references the same underlying array as the original slice. The original slice remains unchanged, and the new slice is a fresh view into the same data. It’s like taking a photo of your house – the house remains the same, but you now have a new picture!

What happens to the capacity of the slice when using slice expansion?

The capacity of the new slice is the same as the capacity of the original slice. Slice expansion only changes the length of the slice, not its capacity. Think of it like using a pair of binoculars to zoom in on a part of the landscape – the landscape remains the same size, but you’re focusing on a smaller part of it!

Can I use pointers to slices and expect the address to remain the same after slice expansion?

No, you cannot rely on the address of a pointer to a slice remaining the same after slice expansion. As we’ve seen, slice expansion creates a new slice, which means the address of the pointer will change. It’s like moving to a new house – your address changes, even if the house looks similar!

How can I avoid changes to the pointer address when using slice expansion?

If you need to preserve the pointer address, you can create a new slice without using slice expansion. For example, you can use the `make` function or `append` to create a new slice with the desired length. This way, you can control the creation of the new slice and ensure the pointer address remains the same. It’s like building a new house on the same plot of land – you’re in control of the construction process!

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